AA Elite Rugby Camp – Covid-19 Policy

We are prepared with revised guidelines from the government and the RFU to facilitate these Camps. We are carefully following government guidelines as well as the governing bodies to ensure the safety of participants and staff throughout. This means there are some restrictions and changes to how we can operate during this time. 

Please read on for important notes that must be read and adhered to enable a safe experience for all. We acknowledge that this policy is long however we ask that you do read through to the end, digest and respect the procedures necessary to operate in a safe manner. 

Drop Off and Pick Up 
Pre-booking is absolutely essential – there are NO exceptions to this rule. Please pay attention to drop off and collection times. If you arrive early, please remain in your car until your allotted drop off/pick up time. This will also help minimise numbers gathering in drop off and collection areas. In order to create distance and avoid crowds of adults, a one-way flow will operate and must be adhered to.

Where and when possible, registration desks will be outdoors. A one-way system at collection will also be in place. Children will be outside at the end of the day for collection. 

Participant Ratios
Ahead of arrival your child/children will be placed in a group with up to 20 others. Groups will be allocated according to age and siblings will be placed together where there is a 3 or less year age gap. Children will remain in the same group all day and where possible, for multiple days where they have repeat bookings. Clear spacing will be allocated to each group for their activities and breaks. Groups will take staggered lunch and breaks to avoid mixing of children throughout the day. 

Increased hygiene procedures
Children must sanitise their hands as they enter the site. Hand sanitiser stations will available on arrival and throughout the day. Please ensure that children carry their own belongings onto the site. Children should only bring items to camp that are entirely essential for their comfort and wellbeing. Packed lunches should be clearly marked with names as should drinks bottles, this will enable them to be easily identified and with the correct owner at all times. 

Important details to note
Entrances and exits will be clearly marked with signage. 

Parents are not able to enter the site other than to drop off and collect. 

Any child showing signs of illness during a session will need to be collected immediately. 

Equipment will be sanitised regularly throughout the day. 

Facemasks and/or gloves may be worn however masks should be removed when active in the session. 

Sessions will be spaced from each other to ensure large gaps between activity areas. Parents must take responsibility for social distancing when outside of the ground awaiting entrance. 

Children will be outside at the end of their day and will handed over to parents individually.  

Please be aware that, if you send your child to attend a session you must accept and adhere to all of the above guidance and ensure that your child is in agreement too. 

By booking and attending a session you are declaring that no member of your household is currently displaying symptoms nor have been displaying symptoms for a period of 14 days prior to arrival at the setting - unless they have tested negative for coronavirus.

In the event that your child or a family member are symptomatic and/or contract the virus you can cancel your booking up to 14 days before the first day of your booking and we will credit you all monies paid. This applies up to 5pm the day before your booked session is due to commence. 

We ask that children who are classed as ‘at risk’ and have been asked to shield and/or children living with family members that are classed as ‘at risk’ and are shielding do not attend camps. We look forward to seeing them later in the year but for their own safety it is important that they do not attend and put themselves at risk. 

In the event that UK Government should issue new lockdown rulings and/or we are forced to temporarily close our venues and camps due to a reason outside of our control, bookings will be eligible to be transferred to a credit. We will endeavour to communicate at the earliest point possible should closure or cancellation be necessary. 

Pre booking is absolutely essential – there are NO exceptions to this rule. 

We will ensure that our staff follow all guidance set out to them in training and that they do their best to ensure social distancing is in place where able with carefully thought out practices. AA Elite Rugby Coaching Ltd will not be held responsible if any child contracts the Covid-19 virus or if any family member/s contract the virus. 

PLEASE NOTE: This Covid-19 policy temporarily supersedes all previous policies. This document and policy will remain in place and will be shared on our website along with any amended versions as we continue to update as the UK government and sporting associations release new and updated information. All risk assessments have been updated to include COVID-19 pandemic exposure awareness. If you have any questions relating to this policy, please contact us via email at bookings@aaeliterugby.com.